pictures: Nova Scotia and Maine

Here are some pictures that Max took during the portion of the trip between Halifax, Nova Scotia and Portland, Maine.

Here we are; the "gang of 3". From left to right is Max, Patrick, and myself.

Halifax is a very nice city, roughly half way up the eastern coast of Nova Scotia.


Halifax has an excellent maritime museum, with lots of displays indoors and several ships (sail and power) outside. Here is Max, ready to sail away in the famous "Bluenose II" schooner.

This looks like a ghost ship to me. And if you think THIS looks foggy, you should see it when it gets REALLY foggy!

Shelbourne is a nice town south of Halifax, with buildings both old and new, and lots of historical buildings along the waterfront for tourists to gawk at.

There was never a lack of fishing boats in Canada.


Our last stop in Canada was at a little island that was mostly deserted except during the fishing season. They had a killer view when we visited, which was primarily being enjoyed by the many sheep on the island.

We had to sail overnight to get from Nova Scotia back to the USA across the Gulf of Maine.

Bar Harbor, Maine, is about 50% tourists and 50% fishermen. Lots of tour boats here and beautiful yachts.


There are some very pretty spots along the coast of Maine. Many inspire a certain amount of leisure inactivity.


Here is a partial view of the big ass yellow and blue genniker on my sailboat. The sail is big enough that it is hard to get the whole thing in the picture.

Lots of boat activity in Portland, Maine. Shown here is a sailing schooner, the Coast Guard sail training ship "Eagle", 2 huge oil drilling platforms under construction, and the view from below of a monster catameran at a boat yard.